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PetBand is not just an ordinary LED neck collar for pets that can be seen around stores or the internet. As most LED bands share the feature of glowing in the dark, and being waterproof for safety, mainly serving the purpose for nighttime safety, PetBand not only provides the features of most LED band products, but provides more style, higher quality and affordability.

  • CHARACTERCharacter
  • 서영진
  • 070-7648-6589
  • 경기 부천시 삼작로 22 (삼정동) 부천테크노파크 1단지 관리동 302호
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본 이메일은 경기콘텐츠진흥원의 '콘텐츠비즈니스플랫폼'을 통해 발송되었습니다.



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